Cyber Job Central Newsroom

Cyber Job Central - The Complete Guide to Networking Tips

Written by Victoria Mauro | Aug 10, 2022 12:42:08 PM

What is Networking?

Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Networking is a lifestyle process that has become more common, especially with the enhancement of social media. There are hundreds of networking tips and tricks that will drive you to a successful career.

How to Network Effectively

Creating your network could be as simple as getting the contact information of your educators, or work colleagues, or creating a social media account. Use social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, to broaden your connections and touch base with old classmates, friends, family, etc.  You may even find a job that a connection works at, in which case you may want to ask for a referral from that connection. When creating your “image”, be sure to act professional or appropriate in public environments because you never know who you will meet.  You will also want to update your resume and profile with relevant information about your life. Lastly, attending local networking events can get you to meet connections and friends that might take you far in life.

Networking Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs

When you are creating an image of yourself, never lie. Lying can not only create a new image of you to the “connections” you made but it can truly hurt your career. If you proceed to lie to someone who holds a vast network, the word can travel. It is always a great thing to be curious and ask questions but when meeting someone for the first time whether it is random or planned, don’t ask too many questions. Do not ask questions or speak about their personal life unless they direct the conversation that way. If the connection is like family to you then the mistakes would change but you should still never impose on their personal business or ask too much of them. Be respectful of their time. This statement is so simple yet so serious. There is a time and a place for everything in life and if you keep asking or taking up the useful time of this person, they may not want to network with you any longer. You need to understand that everyone has a personal life and there is a time and place for business talk. Do not overstep those boundaries and you will make it far in the networking world!

The Importance of Networking in Your Career and How You Can Get Started Today

Networking could be such a vital tip for people at all different stages of their careers. Whether you are still in college, starting your career, or ending your career, networking is always valuable. You can start today with a simple conversation on the train, or airport/plane, or by creating a social media account. There are people in the world waiting to meet you and they don’t even know it yet. Networking works in mysterious ways and you never know who you can meet.

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